

Simulation strategy

  1. Amatore, C.; Klymenko, O.; Svir, I. A new strategy for simulation of electrochemical mechanisms involving acute reaction fronts in solution: Principle. Electrochem. Commun. 12, 2010, 1170-1173.
  2. Klymenko, O.V.; Oleinick, A.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. A new strategy for simulation of electrochemical mechanisms involving acute reaction fronts in solution under spherical or cylindrical diffusion. Russ. J Electrochem. 48, 2012, 593-599.
  3. Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I.; Oleinick, A.; Amatore, C. A novel approach to the simulation of electrochemical mechanisms involving acute reaction fronts at disk and band microelectrodes. ChemPhysChem 13, 2012, 845-859.
  4. Amatore, C.; Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I. Importance of correct prediction of initial concentrations in voltammetric scans: Contrasting roles of thermodynamics, kinetics, and natural convection. Anal. Chem. 84, 2012, 2792-2798.
  5. Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. New theoretical insights into the competitive roles of electron transfers involving adsorbed and homogeneous phases. J. Electroanal. Chem. 688, 2013, 320-327.
  6. Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. Molecular electrochemistry and electrocatalysis : a dynamic view. Molecular Physics 112, 2014, 1273-1283.
  7. Oleinick, A.; Amatore, C.; Svir, I. Efficient quasi-conformal map for simulation of diffusion at disk microelectrodes. Electrochem. Commun. 6, 2004, 588-594.
  8. Amatore, C.; Oleinick, A.; Svir, I. Construction of optimal quasi-conformal mappings for the 2D-numerical simulation of diffusion at microelectrodes. Part 1: Principle of the method and its application to the inlaid disk microelectrode. J. Electroanal. Chem. 597, 2006, 69-76.



  1. Amatore, C.; Klymenko, O.; Svir, I. A new strategy for simulation of electrochemical mechanisms involving acute reaction fronts in solution: Application to model mechanisms. Electrochem. Commun. 12, 2010, 1165-1169.
  2. Klymenko, O.; Amatore, C.; Svir, I. Theoretical study of the EE reaction mechanism with comproportionation and different diffusivities of reactants. Electrochem. Commun. 12, 2010, 1378-1382.
  3. Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. A new approach for the simulation of electrochemiluminescence (ECL). ChemPhysChem, 14, 2013, 2237-2250.
  4. Lorcy, D.; Guerro, M.; Bergamini, J.-F.; Hapiot, P. Vinylogous tetrathiafulvalene based podands: Complexation interferences on the molecular movements triggered by electron transfer. J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 2013, 5188-5194.
  5. Klymenko, O.V.; Buriez, O.; Labbe, E.; Zhan,D.-P.; Rondinini, S.; Tian, Z.-Q.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. Uncovering a missing link between molecular electrochemistry and electrocatalysis: mechanism of benzyl chloride reduction at silver cathodes. ChemElectroChem 1, 2014, 227-240.
  6. Gutierrez, A.G.P.; Zeitouny, J.; Gomila, A.; Douziech, B.; Cosquer, N.; Conan, F.; Reinaud, O.; Hapiot, P.; Le Mest, Y.; Lagrost, C.; Le Poul, N. Insights into water coordination associated with the CuII/CuI electron transfer at a biomimetic Cu centre. Dalton Transactions 43, 2014, 6436-6445.
  7. Jalkh, J.; Leroux, Y. R.; Lagrost, C.; Hapiot, P. Comparative electrochemical investigations in ionic liquids and molecular solvents of a carbon surface modified by a redox monolayer. J. Phys. Chem. C 118/49, 2014, 28640-28646.
  8. Svir, I.; Oleinick, A.; Klymenko, O.V.; Amatore, C. Strong and unexpected effects of diffusion rates on electrochemiluminescence (ECL) generation by amine/transition metal(II) systems. ChemElectroChem 2(6), 2015, 811-818.
  9. Liu, Z.; Qi, W.; Xu, G. Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence, Chem. Soc. Rev. 44(10), 2015, 3117.
  10. He, W. Y.; Fontmorin, J.-M.; Hapiot, P.; Soutrel, I.; Floner, D.; Fourcade, F.; Amrane, A.; Geneste, F. A new bipyridyl cobalt complex for 
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  13. Saveant, J.M. Molecular Electrochemistry: Recent Trends and Upcoming Challenges. ChemElectroChem 3, 2016, 1967-1977.
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  15. Oleinick, A.; Klymenko, O.V.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C. Theoretical Insights in ECL. Chap. 7 in book “Luminescence in Electrochemistry: 
    Applications in Analytical Chemistry, Physics and Biology”, Springer Int. Pub., 2017, p. 215-256.
  16. Daviddi, E.; Oleinick, A.; Svir, I.; Valenti, G.; Paolucci, F.; Amatore, C. Theory and simulation for optimizing electrogenerated 
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  17. Mulas, A., He, X., Hervault, Y.-M., Norel, L., Rigaut, S., Lagrost, C. Dual-Responsive Molecular Switches Based on Dithienylethene–RuII 
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  18. Bkhach, S.; Aleveque, O.; Blanchard, P.; Gautier, C.; Levillain, E. Thienylene vinylene dimerization: from solution to self-assembled 
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  19. Costentin, C.; Saveant, J.-M. Homogeneous Catalysis of Electrochemical Reactions: The Steady-State and Nonsteady-State Statuses 
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  20. Chen, R.; Najarian, A.M.; Kurapati, N.; Balla, R.J.; Oleinick, A.; Svir, I.; Amatore, C.; McCreery, R.L.; Amemiya, S. Electron Transfer of the Co(III)/Co(II)-Complex Redox Couple at Pristine Carbon Electrode. Anal. Chem., 90 (18), 2018, 11115–11123.
  21. Hijazi, H.; Vacher, A.; Groni, S.; Lorcy, D.; Levillain, E.; Fave, C.; Schöllhorn, B. Electrochemically driven interfacial halogen bonding on self-assembled monolayers for anion detection. Chem. Commun., 55, 2019, 1983-1986.
  22. Lemaire, A.; Hapiot, P.; Geneste, F. FranceTi-Catalyst Biomimetic Sensor for the Detection of Nitroaromatic Pollutants. Anal. Chem., 91 (4), 2019, 2797–2804.
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  24. Alévêque, O.; Gautier, C.; Levillain, E. Real-time absorption spectroelectrochemistry: From solution to monolayer. Cur. Op. Electrochem., 15, 2019, 34-41.
  25. A. Mulas, G.V. Dubacheva, H. Al Sabea, F. Miomandre, J.-F. Audibert, L. Norel, S. Rigaut, C. Lagrost. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Redox-Active 4d–4f Heterobimetallic Complexes. Langmuir, 35(42), 2019, 13711-13717.
  26. N. Kurapati, P. Pathirathna, C. Ziegler, S. Amemiya. Adsorption and Electron‐Transfer Mechanisms of Ferrocene Carboxylates and Sulfonates at Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite. ChemElectroChem, 6, 2019, 5651-5660.
  27. I. Svir, A. Oleinick, O.V. Klymenko, C. Amatore. Theoretical concepts underlying ECL generation. Chapter 5.  Book: “Analytical Electrogenerated  Chemiluminescence: from Fundamentals  to Bioassay”, Editor: Neso Sojic.  Royal Society Chemistry (UK) , 2020, pp. 134-158.
  28. X. Liu, M.M. Sartin, Y. Liu,Z-Q Tian, D. Zhan. Optimizing the interfacial electron transfer capability of single layer graphene by thermal annealing. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 253-265.
  29. E.C. Rivera, J.J. Swerdlow, R.L. Summerscales, P.P.T. Uppala, R.M. Filho, M.R.C. Neto, H.J. Kwon. Data-Driven Modeling of Smartphone-Based Electrochemiluminescence Sensor Data Using Artificial Intelligence. Sensors 2020, 20, 625.
  30. V. Shkirskiy, J. Billon, E. Levillain, C. Gautier. From monolayer to multilayer: perylenediimide diazonium derivative acting either as a growth inhibitor or a growth enhancer. Langmuir 2021, 37, 44, 12834–12841.
  31. I. López, N. Le Poul. Theoretical aspects of electrochemistry at low temperature. J. Electroanal. Chem. V. 887, 2021, 115160.
  32. C Fave, B Schöllhorn. Book: Halogen bonding in electrochemistry. Chapter 9. Halogen Bonding in Solution, 2021 - Wiley Online Library.
  33. D.C. Janda, K. Barma, N. Kurapati, O.V. Klymenko, A. Oleinick, I. Svir, C. Amatore, S. Amemiya . Systematic assessment of adsorption-coupled electron transfer toward voltammetric discrimination between concerted and non-concerted mechanisms. Electrochimica Acta V 428, 2022, 140912.
  34. Zhi Li, Kunal Mali, Philippe Hapiot, Steven De Feyter, André-Jean Attias, Stijn F. L. Mertens. Reversible Redox-Driven Crystallization in a Paracyclophane Monolayer at a Solid–Liquid Interface. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, 2315861.
  35. Irina Svir, Alexander Oleinick, Oleksiy Klymenko. Simulations for any mechanistic electrochemical scheme: construction of KISSA-1D and KISSA-2D software : Overview of main publications. HAL, 2024.